Borobudur temple

First, compared to Borobudur Mandala, ie a geometric figure to help in meditation. Secondly, Borobudur is a magic model of the universe to the spiritual exercises of the monks designed.

Borobudur is a Buddhist response - to a point in its history, halfway between the start of the founders of the Great Buddha Shakyamuni (Siddhartha Gautama) and our time - was the eternal enigma that is the proportion of the unreal world, and opereates humanity elusive and ultimate reality behind all this. It is a reaction of religious or spiritual man - the World Union of forms and reality, or man and God.

The theater of the relationship between man and God, or the forms and reality, life expressed in a magnificent temple of Borobudur. Borobudur shows the three realms of the universe, which is full of nostalgia, the sphere of form and atmosphere of the amorphous (and Kāmadhātu Rūpadhātu Arupadhatu).

The base section shows the law of cause and effect (karma) of the Buddha's teachings. The spectacle of the misery of this world, the mental state of the pilgrim should be prepared for the idea of freeing the world. bad deeds are to understand the suffering and good works, conditions of higher education.

The second part explains the practice of self-deliverence of Shakyamuni Buddha. We must free ourselves from suffering, but we can not stop the suffering itself.

The next chapter tells us, as we know from the way of the bodhisattva, who can learn to provide for the happiness of all beings. Bodhisattvas have succeeded in eliminating all attachments and attaining a state of spiritual liberation for the happiness of all living beings.

The last part is the size of the Dhyani Buddhas (Meditative Buddhas) with a more primary Buddha called Adhi-Buddha.

Given these facts, we can say that Borobudur Temple is a masterpiece of aesthetics and examines two religious institutions, where the sacred teachings of Shakyamuni Great Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), namely, that pilgrims Lalitavistara Karmavibbhanga education guide to have the disease , and Avadana Jatakamala Bhadrachari or Maha Gandavyuha Bhadracarita Pranidanangatha Samantha lessons, like the pilgrim must learn and follow all the actions of Saint Bodhisattva "for the happiness of all living beings to explain. Finally, experiments pilgrimage in the world of man and God of the Union and into the world of absolute unity and ultimate reality, or Nirvana.
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